Effective Stretches for Lower Back Pain Relief

Do you feel pain in your lower back while in certain positions? Whether the discomfort is triggered when you sneeze, reach for something, or lie down in certain positions, lower back stretches can help. There are several lower back stretches that relieve back pain that you can practice in your daily life. With over 23% of adults dealing with lower back pain globally for various reasons, learning effective stretches can help you go about daily tasks.


Also known as the cat-camel, this soothing and dynamic yoga stretch incorporates two movements. The main function of the cat-cow is to improve and lengthen the spine. This simple stretch can relieve lower back pain by improving posture and creating awareness of other major muscles in your core.

Child’s Pose

Child’s, or Balasana pose, is a yoga and Pilates stretch that is ideal after a tough workout. In addition, the stretch can relieve lower back pain (as well as bloating) by lengthening back muscles and opening the hips. If the discomfort persists despite your efforts, visit a pain doctor for professional advice and more effective treatments.


Another proven simple stretch to relieve back pain is knee-to-chest. Besides relieving lower back discomfort, this stretch can loosen and lengthen tight muscles in your glutes and spine. However, you should be cautious if you suffer from osteoporosis or a slipped disc, as this stretching position can worsen the problem.

Spinal Twist

Just like the name suggests, a spinal twist is a stretch that entails twisting gently to relieve tension in the lower back and spine. Another benefit of this type of stretch is that it acts as a massage for your internal organs, preventing stomach discomforts like constipation while improving digestion. In case of persistent discomfort, consult your doctor for more effective solutions.

Pelvic Tilt

Discomfort in your lower back can cause posture changes, often making the pelvis tilt forward. In more severe situations, you may experience a more prominent curve of the spine, also known as lordosis. Your physician may recommend pelvic tilts to rectify the core and improve stability in the affected areas. This simple stretch can reduce lower back pain and restore comfort to your daily life.

The list of simple stretches that relieve lower back pain is not limited to the ones mentioned here. However, these can help you restore motion and overall comfort in day-to-day activities. Contact us at River Cities International Pain Specialists to access hands-on treatments. We provide tailored chronic pain relief in Shreveport to ease pain and improve the healing process.